Dual frame video encoding with feedback

A. Leontaris, P.C. Cosman
The Thrity-Seventh Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems & Computers, 2003  
A special case of multiple frame prediction is the dual frame buffer, where an encoder uses both an immediate past frame and a long term past frame for motion compensation. Using a dual frame buffer together with intra/inter mode switching improves the compression performance of the coder. In this work, we investigate the effect of feedback in making better mode-switching decisions in the context of rate-distortion optimization. Feedback information is used to limit drift errors due to packet
more » ... sses by synchronizing the long-term frame buffers of the encoder and decoder, and refining the input to the mode-switching decision mechanism. Experimental results show an improvement in PSNR of up to 1.6dB.
doi:10.1109/acssc.2003.1292238 fatcat:kjjqxwb2kbbqbclk3rb4sghnny