Variability of limestone knapping methods in Middle Palaeolithic levels M and Ob of Abric Romaní (Barcelona, Spain)

Aleix Eixea, Amèlia Bargalló, Bruno Gómez de Soler, Francesca Romagnoli, Manuel Vaquero, Palmira Saladié, Eudald Carbonell, Josep Vallverdú, M. Gema Chacón
2021 Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences  
AbstractThis paper presents the limestone reduction sequences documented in levels M and Ob at Abric Romaní from a technological point of view. At level M, a recurrent knapping system has been identified, resulting in the frequency of pseudo-Levallois blanks. At archaeolevel Ob, the presence of Levallois methods are observed in association with this knapping system. In both cases, retouched tools are rare and dominated by notches and denticulates. Although it is not well-known the degree of
more » ... larity and difference between the two levels in relation to occupational patterns is not well understood, Neanderthals employed more opportunistic knapping strategies, investing less time and energy in the procurement of raw materials including for chert. In level Ob, although limestone is still collected in the local fluvial deposits, differences in raw material procurement have been identified for chert. Results show the plasticity and versality that Neanderthals had and how they took advantage of the different abiotic resources they had around them. In this paper, we discuss the limestone technology at Abric Romaní in the context of the Iberian Peninsula.
doi:10.1007/s12520-021-01443-9 fatcat:pd2hz3jm4naidjzbshtby67hay