Distributed beamforming using mobile robots

Arjun Muralidharan, Yasamin Mostofi
2016 2016 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)  
We consider the case where a team of unmanned vehicles are tasked with distributed beamforming in order to cooperatively transmit a message to a remote station. We propose a joint motion and communication optimization framework where the robots move in order to find locations that satisfy the given reception quality requirement while minimizing the overall motion energy consumption. For the case where the channel is perfectly known, we show that this problem can be posed as a knapsack problem
more » ... d show the underlying trends of the optimum solution. We then extend our approach to the case where the channel is not known over the space. We show how the previously proposed channel prediction framework can be integrated with path planning for distributed robotic beamforming under motion energy constraints. Finally, we present extensive simulation results in realistic communication environments. Index Terms-Mobile robots, distributed beamforming, multiple-choice knapsack problem.
doi:10.1109/icassp.2016.7472906 dblp:conf/icassp/MuralidharanM16 fatcat:i6u4zrejvbapvmfr3v5bglsoqu