Graph grammars and constraint solving for software architecture styles

Dan Hirsch, Paolo Inverardi, Ugo Montanari
1998 Proceedings of the third international workshop on Software architecture - ISAW '98  
The description of a software architecture style must include the structural model of the components and their interactions, the laws governing the dynamic changes in the architecture, and the communication pattern. In our work we represent a system as a graph where hyperedges are components and nodes are ports of communication. The construction and dynamic evolution of the style will be represented as context-free productions and graph rewriting. To model the evolution of the system we propose
more » ... to use techniques of constraint solving. From this approach w e obtain an intuitive w ay to model systems with nice characteristics for the description of dynamic architectures and recon guration and, a unique language to describe the style, model the evolution of the system and prove properties.
doi:10.1145/288408.288426 fatcat:ea4lxhpdyfardo3p4ojzbzed6e