Development of Voltage Sag Generator for Tests of Power System Linkage Inverter

Isao Iyoda, Yoshiki Abe, Nobuyuki Shigei, Takemasa Yomaru, Yusuke Kouno, Toshifumi Ise
2010 Journal of the Japan Institute of Power Electronics  
A voltage sag generator that can reproduce actual voltage sags recorded past. It consists of PC, D/A converter, Power amplifier. A new program generating wave form has been developed on Visual Basic. Disturbance caused by interrupt process has been found and solved by program improvement. The developed voltage sag generator is effective to evaluate the performance of power system linkage inverter under various types of sags.
doi:10.5416/jipe.35.170 fatcat:tcf4sz4ptbczrma3s555c32jne