An Investigation of the relationship between EFL-Egyptian University Students' Oral-Presentation Skills and their Meta-cognitive Awareness

منار عبد الفتاح احمد, محمد فاروق عبدالسمیع علی الخبیری, منى عبد التواب
2022 مجلة جامعة الفیوم للعلوم التربویة والنفسیة  
The present study focused on investigating the relationship between the EFL-Egyptian university students' Oral-Presentation Skills and their Meta-Cognitive awareness. The participants of the study were the freshmen physiotherapy students at Bani-Sweif University, Egypt, the participants of the study were '40' participants, (N= 40). The participants' metacognitive awareness was measured by a sub-linguistic self-efficacy scale, which is the metacognitive awareness sub-scale that was prepared by
more » ... e researcher. The aim is to find the correlational relationship between the EFL Egyptian University Students' Oral-presentation skills and their meta-cognitive awareness. Results demonstrated that there is substantial positive correlation between the participants' Oral-Presentation Skills and their linguistic self-efficacy as whole but there is a negative relationship between oral-presentation skills and students' metacognitive awareness. cognitive awareness -Oral Presentation, meta
doi:10.21608/jfust.2022.263289 fatcat:j6vwlhrxlza47bfs27marhcf5a