A New Multi-Method Combination Forecasting Model for ESDD Predicting

Haiyan SHUAI, Qingwu GONG
2009 Energy and Power Engineering  
Equal Salt Deposit Density (ESDD) is a main factor to classify contamination severity and draw pollution distribution map. The precise ESDD forecasting plays an important role in the safety, economy and reliability of power system. To cope with the problems existing in the ESDD predicting by multivariate linear regression (MLR), back propagation (BP) neural network and least squares support vector machines (LSSVM), a nonlinear combination forecasting model based on wavelet neural network (WNN)
more » ... or ESDD is proposed. The model is a WNN with three layers, whose input layer has three neurons and output layer has one neuron, namely, regarding the ESDD forecasting results of MLR, BP and LSSVM as the inputs of the model and the observed value as the output. In the interest of better reflection of the influence of each single forecasting model on ESDD and increase of the accuracy of ESDD prediction, Morlet wavelet is used to construct WNN, error backpropagation algorithm is adopted to train the network and genetic algorithm is used to determine the initials of the parameters. Simulation results show that the accuracy of the proposed combination ESDD forecasting model is higher than that of any single model and that of traditional linear combination forecasting (LCF) model. The model provides a new feasible way to increase the accuracy of pollution distribution map of power network.
doi:10.4236/epe.2009.12015 fatcat:7f2rqynvojgh5b7fea36dtoxnq