Analysis of the experience of russian regions in the formation of criteria and key functions of the register innovative products, works and services
Анализ опыта российских регионов по формированию критериев и ключевых функций реестра инновационных товаров, работ и услуг

Сафонов, Andrey Safonov
2017 Forestry Engineering Journal  
The paper presents an analysis of the experience of regions in the presence of the fundamental principles of the organi-zation, the criteria of formation, the key functions of the Registry of innovative products, works and services. There are a va-riety of methods, approaches, strategic directions and goals of this rather complicated in some cases and in others a simple algorithm necessary actions of the applicant and the various competent authorities of the Russian Federation
doi:10.12737/19982 fatcat:ayjapweh6zacfivgg7iyyjzodm