Hot Shocked Gas Along the Helical Jets of NGC 4258

G. Cecil
1995 International Astronomical Union Colloquium  
AbstractI summarize the results of our multifrequency study of the helically twisted jets in the Seyfert galaxy NGC 4258. [N II], Hα, and [O III] Fabry-Perot datacubes obtained with the HIFI system on the U. Hawaii 2.2m telescope form the basis of this work. ROSAT x-ray multiband images (HRI & PSPC), CO spectra, and unpublished VLA 6 and 20 cm maps are correlated with these spectral grids. Together these data reveal clear signatures of high-velocity (> 300 km s−1) shocks along the jets
more » ... at suggest efficient entrainment of ambient molecular gas.
doi:10.1017/s0252921100022764 fatcat:wmpnip7mizajrdkrunf3j4xvcm