Aleksey Khomyakov, a qChristian Philosopherq

Vladimir Belov, Julia Karagod
2018 Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Contemporary Education, Social Sciences and Humanities (ICCESSH 2018)   unpublished
This article explores the philosophical concept of Alexey Khomyakov as the first systematic attempt to create an Orthodox-based Christian philosophy. The Russian thinker managed to get in the presentation of his religious and philosophical views between the Scylla of apologetics of the Orthodox Faith and the Charybdis of heresiologists philosophical position within it. There are two key concepts in Christian philosopher A. S. Khomyakov's point of viewfreedom and love, or rather onefreedom in
more » ... e. The article develops two main ideas that, first, Khomyakov is a true Christian philosopher. Here the main emphasis is made on distinguishing between a Christian and religious philosopher, where the latter primarily refers to Russian religious philosophers. And, secondly, that the studies of A.S. Khomyakov are a system of Christian Orthodox philosophy as they have a single basis.
doi:10.2991/iccessh-18.2018.322 fatcat:gxvtchhpbzhxpeaiwcb7nxrfne