Anti de Sitter Holography via Sekiguchi Decomposition [chapter]

Vladimir K. Dobrev, Patrick Moylan
2016 Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics  
In the present paper we start consideration of anti de Sitter holography in the general case of the (q+1)-dimensional anti de Sitter bulk with boundary q-dimensional Minkowski space-time. We present the group-theoretic foundations that are necessary in our approach. Comparing what is done for q=3 the new element in the present paper is the presentation of the bulk space as the homogeneous space G/H = SO(q,2)/SO(q,1), which homogeneous space was studied by Sekiguchi.
doi:10.1007/978-981-10-2636-2_29 fatcat:zivneu7vnrb6jgr2sm7gsewmnu