Generation, TCA and Stress Analysis of the Face Gear Drive with a Tapered Involute Pinion

ZHOU Ruchuan, ZHAO Ning, LI Wang, GUO Hui
2020 Journal of Mechanical Engineering  
Abstract:For the purpose of backlash adjusting in different power flow branches of the concentric split-torque system, which affect the distribution of the load between the input pinons or the idlers, a new kind of face gear drive mating with a tapered involute pinion is investigated. The profile modified tooth surface of the tapered involute pinion and the face gear is derived. The limiting conditions of the face gear is determined. Tooth contact analysis (TCA) and stress analysis are
more » ... in order to evaluate the performance of the presented face gear drive. The results show that: the half cone angle of the face gear drive should be controlled with the tooth strength of the gear into consideration. The face gear drive is less sensitive to the misalignments. The edge contact can be avoided with a profile modified pinion or a profile modified face gear. Furthermore, the backlash adjusting is achieved by the axial movement of the pinion. And it has little influence on the tooth contact pattern of the face gear drive. This kind of face gear drive can be applied to the situations where the backlash adjusting is required, such as the concentric split-torque system. Key words:tapered involute pinion;face gear;profile modification;TCA;stress analysis 0 前言* 面齿轮传动因具有大传动比,高重合度,安装 方便以及可用于分扭等优点 [1-3] ,已被成功应用于先 进直升机传动系统 [4-5] 。近几年,在美国国家航天局 的增强旋翼机传动系统(Enhanced rotorcraft drive system program, ERDS)项目中 [6] ,更先进的面齿轮 同轴分扭传动构型得到了应用,如图 1 所示,该构 型的大速比使之取代传统传动系统的两级传动,使 * 国家自然科学基金(51675424,51075328)、民用飞机专项科研计划和高 等学校学科创新引智计划(B13044)资助项目。20190605 收到初稿, 20191218 收到修改稿 主减功重比提升 40%。然而,已有研究表明 [1,7] ,面 齿轮同轴分扭构型中,由于制造和安装误差,导致 的两输入轮支路或者惰轮支路之间的齿侧间隙不匹 配时,将会引起功率传递不均载,严重削弱该传动 构型的优势。所以,独立调整某一个或几个支路面 齿轮副的齿侧间隙对于实现面齿轮同轴分扭传动构 型的均载是十分必要的。 国内外学者提出了不同类型的面齿轮,并对面 齿轮几何设计和加工进行了深入研究。 例如 LITVIN 等 [8-12] 提出了与渐开线斜齿轮啮合的面齿轮,与圆 柱和圆锥蜗杆相啮合的面齿轮,具有非对称齿面的 面齿轮和与渐开线直齿轮啮合的正交偏置面齿轮, 进行了上述几种面齿轮的轮齿接触分析和应力分
doi:10.3901/jme.2020.07.086 fatcat:nshyl5ehrnbexn6uxajbkwrg4y