A Study for Prediction of Water Contents in Soil by Using the Soil Thermal Conductivity
토양 열전도를 이용한 토양함수비 예측에 관한 연구

Jin-Woo Cho, Do-Kyung Kang, E-Sok Kang
2015 Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology  
Vehicles and UGV(Unmanned Ground Vehicle) need a variety of road informations, such as road profile, soil type and soil water contents, to run a cross country course. Especially, soil water contents are very important factor to judge the vehicle mobility, because it can change soil strength. This paper describes the real-time measuring method of soil water contents by using the soil thermal conductivity.
doi:10.9766/kimst.2015.18.2.125 fatcat:dio7x4x5hvborajeq5vrtwccty