Clinicopathological study of liver diseases in paeditaric age group

Yutika Amin, Kunda Jagadale, R C Nimbargi
2021 Indian Journal of Pathology and Oncology  
A B S T R A C T Context: Liver disorders occupy a noteworthy proportion amongst the aetiologies for childhood morbidities and mortalities. They have characteristic histological features whose timely reporting can abet the further management and overall prognosis of the conditions. Aims: 1. To study the clinicopathological features of liver diseases in paediatric patients. 2. To analyse the histological presentation of various liver conditions in paediatric patients. 3. To assess the pattern of
more » ... istribution of the conditions in different age groups of paediatric patients. Materials and Methods: A retrospective and prospective observational study of liver specimens of children, satisfying the inclusion and exclusion criterias, sent to Pathology department, BVDUMC, Pune over a span of 48 months. Statistical Analysis used: SPSS (Statistical Package for social sciences) version 24.0 software. Results: Total 34 cases were studied of which 31 were liver biopsies and 03 were resections. Most common age group was between one month to two years. Male to female ratio was 1.6:1. Most common clinical feature was icterus, LFT was deranged in 79.41% cases. Most common histopathology amongst non neoplastic cases was cholestasis and amongst neoplasms was Hepatoblastoma. Histopathology and radiology impression correlated in 94.12% cases. Bile duct proliferation, presence of intracanalicular bile plugs, portal tract fibrosis, presence of extramedullary hematopoiesis (EMH) and intracellular bile stasis all were statistically significant (p <0.05) in cases of EHBA while presence of bile plugs, intracellular bile stasis, EMH and giant cell transformation was statistically significant (p <0.05)in cases of NH and presence of Intracanalicular as well as intracellular bile stasis were statistically significant (p <0.05) with respect to cases showing cholestasis. Conclusions: Thus, in children presenting with jaundice, hepatomegaly or other clinical presentations of underlying liver disease, liver biopsy can aid in understanding the underlying pathology in order to reach a definitive diagnosis and thus aid in proper management of patients in liver diseases.
doi:10.18231/j.ijpo.2021.046 fatcat:vjjbnrv2oran3hnutytjklpxga