Benchmarking Analogue Performance of Emerging Random Access Memory Technologies

Spyros Stathopoulos, Ali Khiat, Alexantrou Serb, Themis Prodromakis
2018 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS)  
In this work we present an evaluation routine aimed towards assessing the multibit capability of Resistive Random Access Memory (RRAM) technologies. We illustrate a characterization methodology for the maximum possible exploitation of the resistive states of a RRAM cell. Our characterization routine consists of a three phase algorithm: during the first it infers the polarity needed to induce a change in the device's conductance; the second stabilizes the resistive states of the device into a
more » ... eline resistance and during the third a sequence of pulses of increasing amplitude is used to determine the actual resistive states. This technology-agnostic methodology allows for efficient and high resolution partitioning of the cell's resistive operating range allowing them to operate in a truly analogue fashion. Demonstrating the maximum potential of RRAM cells in terms of closely packed resistive states can open new avenues for research in nonvolatile memories, reconfigurable electronics and neuromorphic applications.
doi:10.1109/iscas.2018.8351793 dblp:conf/iscas/StathopoulosKSP18a fatcat:2by4ub7yaffblkckdf4faf4b2q