Study of Efficacy of Titanium Three-Dimensional Locking Plate In The Treatment of Mandibular Fractures

2016 Indian Journal of Dental Advancements  
Context: Face is the window through which we perceive the world around us and the world perceive us. In the era of increasing automobilization and industrialization the treatment of mandibular fractures has attained a prominent position. The main goal in the treatment of fracture is to restore pre injury anatomical form, with associated aesthetics and function. Aim: The purpose of the study is to evaluate the efficacy of Titanium Three Dimensional Locking Plates in the treatment of mandibular
more » ... actures. Methods and Materials: Total twenty patients were selected who suffered with mandibular fractures randomly. All patients were operated through the standard intra oral incision at fracture site of the mandible and immobilized the fracture segments using titanium three dimensional locking plating systems. The resulting osteosynthesis were evaluated with the scoring system for 9 parameters and complications encountered during their use were also recorded and reported in this study Results: The results of this study suggest that fixation of mandibular fracture with 3D plates provides three-dimensional stability and carries low morbidity and infection rates. These plates functions as internal fixator achieving stability by locking the screw to the plate, the other advantages offered by them are less screw loosening, less precision in plate adaptation and less alteration of the osseous or occlusal relationship upon screw tightening. Conclusion: During the course of present study, 3D plates stabilize the bone fragments in three dimensions because of closed quadrangular geometric shape and the ease of contouring and adapting. The 3D plate was found to be standard in profile, strong yet malleable, facilitating reduction and stabilization at both the superior and inferior borders giving three-dimensional stability at fracture site. But the small sample size and limited follow up could be considered as the limitations of our study. It is hence recommended to have a multicenter study with large number of patients and correlation among these studies to authenticate our claims.
doi:10.5866/2016.8.10222 fatcat:s2lcxle7xbhifi32q3prhhi3zi