Classroom to Ask the Reality of Life

2018 Japanese Journal of Qualitative Psychology  
The purpose of this paper, through the video analysis of the TV drama "Suzuki Sensei", among of this drama, teachers and students how is to clear a representation of whether is depicted as a "normal". This drama, consistently depict the theme of teachers and students that are "normal", but where the characters who were carrying the category of "normal" feels a "live Zura is" to the individual. Their piggyback "live Zura is" is aware of the category of "normal", it was intended to how it is born
more » ... therefore it is he to worry about whether can remain "normal". Characters who are "norma" while feeling the "live Zura" of thing Dale also, still, is obsessed with things that can be "normal", it has been recognized as a matter of course. But, in order to be "normal" is to eliminate the reality of life, a certain category to "play" there is a need. Among these, the topic of teacher of sex, contraception of the way that has been brought to within the classroom has become an opportunity to teachers and students to outgrow the "norma". But, the ability to recover them there as well in the category of "normal" had been provided.
doi:10.24525/jaqp.17.1_125 fatcat:7efg3ekxdjgm3n4fjhg7xhsc2m