Eurasian Basis of the International Legal Policy of the Russian Federation
Y. I. Skuratov
Moscow Journal of International Law
INTRODUCTION. One of the conditions for the effectiveness of the foreign policy of any state, including its international legal policy, is its scientific character, conceptual validity, reliance on understanding both the objective laws of world development and an accurate assessment of the place and role of the respective state in this process. The creation of such a trend should be based on the synthesis of natural, social, economic, political and cultural factors that characterize the state
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... the country, an assessment of its participation in the international division of labor, joint projects and development programs, its role in ensuring sustainable development and globalization processes.MATERIALS AND METHODS. The article analyzes the doctrines and tendencies of the foreign policy of the Russian Federation, international treaties of Russia, statements by the leaders of states, as well as the political practice of interstate relations. During the research general scientific methods were used: system analysis, historical, formal legal, comparative, etc. In addition to the materials of the doctrine of international law, scientific categories and constructions of other social sciences (historiosophy, political science, sociology, theory and history of state and law) were used.RESEARCH RESULTS. The study made it possible to come to the conclusion that one of the main concepts of modern international politics is the provisions of the classical Eurasian doctrine. The geopolitical concept of Russia Eurasia is designed to ensure a balance between the western and eastern vectors of the country's foreign policy, predetermines its entire political history, determines the principles and standards of modern life. Of great importance for the foreign policy doctrine of Russia is the Eurasian postulate about the "local development" of our country, the peculiarities of its culture, the existence of a civilizational community. A civilizational approach to assessing the potential of Russia Eurasia should underlie the determination of the scale and nature of Russia's foreign policy. In terms of its historical scale, our country cannot be regarded as a "regional power" even despite its problems and difficulties of the current stage of development. The Eurasian doctrine, the main postulates of which are reflected in the foreign policy concept of the Russian Federation, makes it possible to find the right approaches to solving modern problems of world development, in particular, such challenges for our country as globalization, modernization, the ideology of nationalism, etc.DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS. The discussion of the conceptual base of the foreign policy of theRussian Federation in the doctrine is fragmentary, often carried out in isolation from the search for the national idea of Russia. The difference in approaches to solving this problem significantly complicates the development of an official doctrine of the country's foreign policy and does not make possible to clearly define its national interests. It is obvious that the discussion of these problems should be carried out within the framework of a single cognitive process, the national idea should, on the one hand, become the basic category of the concept of Russia's foreign policy, and on the other, the final result of its creative development. The practical implementation of the Eurasian project by Russia will require making serious adjustments to the country's diplomacy, ensuring its multi-directional, western and eastern balance in the diplomatic, political, humanitarian, legal and other scopes of life.