Designing and teaching an elementary school enrichment program: What the students were taught and what I learned

Angela M. Smart
2011 The Mathematics Enthusiast  
This article is a reflection on the experiences I had designing and teaching an elementary school enrichment program to gifted students in mathematics. In particular, I consider not just what I taught the students in the program but what I learned throughout the entire process. This article first focuses on a description of the program and my role within the program. I then describe in detail four of the lessons I designed and taught for the program. Central to the description of the lessons
more » ... my observations of the students' reactions to the lessons and my own growth as the instructor. The article concludes with a reflection on my pedagogic practices, the gifted students in the program, what I learned during the experience and what I learned after the experience.
doi:10.54870/1551-3440.1214 fatcat:eiuowh6s4rdn7hb7thmaccvliq