Intelligent Approach to Inventory Control in Logistics under Uncertainty Conditions

Paweł Więcek
2016 Libro de Actas CIT2016. XII Congreso de Ingeniería del Transporte   unpublished
The article presents a proposal for a combined application of fuzzy logic and genetic algorithms to control the procurement process in the enterprise. The approach presented in this paper draws particular attention to the impact of external random factors in the form of demand and lead time uncertainty. The model uses time-variable membership function parameters in a dynamic fashion to describe the modelled output fuzzy (sets) values. An additional element is the use of genetic algorithms for
more » ... timisation of fuzzy rule base in the proposed method. The approach presented in this paper was veryfied according to four criteria based on a computer simulation performed on the basis of the actual data from an enterprise.DOI:
doi:10.4995/cit2016.2016.3508 fatcat:jbpjpjjmsff4zpz7ngr4mb4oji