Sound Quality Subjective Evaluation Analysis of Noise Inside High-speed Trains

ZHANG Xiaojuan, LIU Yan, ZHANG Changbin
2012 Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Material Science   unpublished
The paper studied paired comparison method, system researching experiments design, process, data analysis, and misjudgment analysis, etc. Paired comparison method has their own advantages; experimental data reliability and accuracy need to be further validation. The paper using Pearson correlation coefficient to verify the data accuracy and correlation coefficient is more than 0.72.At the end, preference value of sound samples is inverse proportion to loudness, as to A written right pressure
more » ... el shows no relationship. The paper has certain reference for valid evaluating acoustic environmental quality in High-speed Trains.
doi:10.2991/mems.2012.25 fatcat:phfhrewopnbhhf75q7shwqgsfu