
吉本 智慧子
The pentalingual night inspection tablet and the Jurchen script identified on it introduced in this paper have never been recorded since the Yuan era, and never reported to collectors and scholars today. It is the only one cultural relic with important historical values. It not only certificates that the Jurchens still used the ethnic script of their own in the Yuan era after the ruin of the Jin dynasty, but also certificates that the Yuan dynasty authorized the Jurchen large script as an
more » ... al letter as well as Uighur-Mongolian, ʻPhags-pa pa, Chinese, and Arabic letters by finding on the night inspection tablet used for official service. Especially, the finding of the Jurchen large script overcomes the present state that materials in Jurchen large script ever found are only from the Jin
doi:10.34382/00002798 fatcat:zalk5pie6jhcznb4iikoyadlxq