The cultural and social background of Lucknow in the Stories of Naiyer Masud

Asad Abbas Abid
2021 DARYAFT  
Literature of any kind and genre can never avoid the essence of life. Literature represents numerous aspects and dimensions of life. Literature, culture and society are interlinked. Collectiveness is the soul of Society. This culture and it's colours reflect in the writings of the writers. Naiyer Masud is renowned short story writer having immense inclination towards culture and it's different shades. He had great inclination towards the culture of lucknow. Lucknow was the central city of state
more » ... of Owaad. This article is an effort to bring forth the cultural and social background of Lucknow in the short of Naiyer Masud.
doi:10.52015/daryaft.2021.v13-i1.151 fatcat:h4yhemm7aba33pmbxlzni3nwc4