A Study on Perception of Students Regarding Newer Teaching Methods in Medical Education

Chitturi Ramya, Variganji Krupal Sandhya, Potti Ramya, Inuganti Venkata Renuka, Mathi Atchyuta, Mullagura Anusha, Bontha Garima, BP Meghana
2020 Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research  
Learning is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon. Research findings suggest that a deep, integrated understanding of the basic sciences is important for solving clinically relevant tasks. Evidence suggests that students today may be more engaged and learn better when there are different teaching approaches incorporated into the educational environment. Crossword Puzzle (CWP) is a form of active learning which is helpful to review and summarise concepts. Mind Map (MM) is a powerful graphic
more » ... ique that can be applied to improve learning and clearer thinking. E-learning is an innovative modern technology which can support and enrich medical education. Aim: To assess the perceptions of students regarding newer teaching methods like CWPs, MMs and online resources in medical education. Materials and Methods: This was a cross sectional study conducted in the Department of Pathology for 2nd year Medical, Physiotherapy and Nursing students for a period of one year from October 2018 to September 2019. A total of 206 students participated in the study, of which 90 were MBBS students, 30 were Physiotherapy students and 86 were Nursing students. Newer teaching methods like CWPs and MMs were introduced in the classes. A feedback form was given at the end of the class and their responses were collected regarding newer methods. Perceptions of students regarding newer teaching methods were represented using descriptive statistics in frequencies and percentages. Results: Female students were more compared to male students across all the branches with 63.3% female students in MBBS, 80% in Physiotherapy and 82.6% in Nursing. 84.4% of MBBS students, 86.7% of Physiotherapy students and 97.7% of nursing students were interested in filling CWPs. 94.4% of MBBS students, 93.3% of Physiotherapy students and 100% of nursing students opined that MMs help in memory retention. 93.3% of MBBS students, 96.7% of Physiotherapy students and 91.9% of nursing students wanted newer teaching methods to be part of the curriculum. Conclusion: Educators need to constantly change their teaching methods in order to hold the attention of students. CWP's and MM's created interest among the students in learning subject. CWPs enhanced group interaction among peers whereas MMs helped in retaining the key points and also bringing out the creative talent.
doi:10.7860/jcdr/2020/44221.13925 fatcat:jttbyf56njg3lhiqb4z24sctdu