Post launch calibration and testing of the Geostationary Lightning Mapper on GOES-R satellite

Marc Rafal, Jared T. Clarke, Ruth W. Cholvibul, Xiaoxiong J. Xiong, Saji A. Kuriakose, Toshiyoshi Kimura
2016 Earth Observing Missions and Sensors: Development, Implementation, and Characterization IV  
The GOES system is the United States operational geosynchronous meteorological constellation. GOES provides continuous, real-time monitoring of Western hemisphere weather. GLM Instrument Objectives • Provide continuous full-disk lightning measurements for storm warning and nowcasting. • Provide longer (advance) warnings of tornado activity. • Accumulate a long-term database to track decadal changes in lightning activity.
doi:10.1117/12.2228540 fatcat:5h7mywnrz5bbfiwci62xbsyfwa