Tailgut cyst with fistula to rectum: case report

Goksel Tuzcu, Abdullah Yuksel Barut, Adil Ozturk, Aytul Hande Yardimci, Mustafa Devran Aybar
2012 Istanbul Medical Journal  
Tailgut cysts are congenital lesions located in retrorectal area and originate from embryological tailgut. They often present in middle-aged women with perirectal symptoms. These cysts have occasionally shown retrorectal abscess, rectal fistula and malignant transformation. In this article we report the radiologic finding of tailgut cyst case with fistula to rectum.
doi:10.5505/1304.8503.2012.76376 fatcat:vtihm6cajva6xk7a5qwjl4gpcu