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Alliance Networks: the Case of Multinational Corporations
De part mentofMa na ge ment,Aca demyofBu si ness ul.Cie pla ka1c,41-300Dąbro waGórnic za,Po land,wsroka@wsb.edu.pl Thear tic ledealswiththeprob lemsofcoo pe ra tioninnet workor ga ni za tions.Thestruc tu reofthetextisdi vi dedintoacoupleofparts.Firstly,thein crea singim por tan ceofal lian cenet worksisdes cri bed.Se condly,thecon ceptofal lian cenet works aswellasthees sen ceofmul ti na tio nalcor po ra tionsarepre sen ted.Be si detheo re ti calde li be ra tions,twoprac ti calca sesare pre sen