Implementation of Electromagnetically Induced Transparency in a Metamaterial Controlled with Auxiliary Waves

Toshihiro Nakanishi, Masao Kitano
2015 Physical Review Applied  
We propose a metamaterial to realize true electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT), where the incidence of an auxiliary electromagnetic wave called the control wave induces transparency for a probe wave. The analogy to the original EIT effect in an atomic medium is shown through analytical and numerical calculations derived from a circuit model for the metamaterial. We performed experiments to demonstrate the EIT effect of the metamaterial in the microwave region. The width and position
more » ... the transparent region can be controlled by the power and frequency of the control wave. We also observed asymmetric transmission spectra unique to the Fano resonance.
doi:10.1103/physrevapplied.4.024013 fatcat:cv45wc6yxfcjpl6m7ltzqca5bm