Conversion trials in mixed coppices of Gargano (Puglia, Italy): first results
Primi risultati in prove di avviamento in un ceduo misto del Gargano

O La Marca, D Scopigno, M Tomaiuolo
2009 Forest@  
Conversion trials in mixed coppices of Gargano (Puglia, Italy): first results. Six plots have been drawn in an mixed aged coppice stand, 40 years after last coppicing; they represent a typical expression of Doronico-Carpinetum phytosociological association and they are characteristic of many woods of Gargano's territory, composed by Quercus cerris L. (turkey oak), Quercus pubescens Willd. (downy oak), Acer opalus Mill. (italian maple), Carpinus betulus L. (european hornbeam), Ostrya
more » ... Scop. (hop hornbeam). Compared treat ments are: natural evolution of the coppice without thinning versus two thinning regimes with different in tensity, both aimed to convert the stands into high forests. 1200 and 1600 stems per hectare were released in the conversion plots. Plots, control and treated in 2001, have been measured before and immediately after thinning and remeasured five years later. At the present time, stands are characterized by a basically mono layered structure, in which turkey oak is prevalent in term of basal area. Moreover in thinned areas, losses on the released shoots number are unimportant both in absolute and in percent terms; in control plot, in stead, competition by plants of upper storey on the dominated ones means high values of mortality. Citation: La Marca O, Scopigno D, Tomaiuolo M, 2009. Prove risultati in prove di avviamento in un ceduo misto del Gargano. Forest@
doi:10.3832/efor0573-006 fatcat:a5wnwtgn3ndr3i5nt3nnd4rvxq