Video Broadcasting Services Over SDN-NFV Enabled Networks: A Prototype

Gabriele Baldoni, Marcello Melita, Sergio Micalizzi, Corrado Rametta, Giovanni Schembra, Alessandro Vassallo
2016 Procedia Computer Science  
Software Defined Networks (SDN) and Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) have been introduced in the telecommunications engineering as a new way to design, deploy and manage networking services. Working together, they are able to consolidate and deliver the networking components using standard IT virtualization technologies making, in such a way, carriers infrastructures more flexible and adaptive in respect to the needs of both end-users and service providers. In this context, this paper
more » ... ents the architecture and the related prototype of a video broadcasting service tailored for SDN-NVF enabled networks, allowing network and application functions deployment simplification and management cost reduction. In such a way, the proposed solution enables small/medium and unusual content providers to share events with a restricted number of interested users without the need of adopting a dedicated and expensive data delivery infrastructure.
doi:10.1016/j.procs.2016.09.086 fatcat:rd7jnorn5nbxplurzqqxmq35fq