Fumigant Toxicity of the Essential Oil of Caraway, Carum carvi on the Tomato Leaf Miner, Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae)

S. Goudarzvande Chegini, H. Abbasipour, J. Karimi, A. Askarianzadeh
2017 Majallah-i ḥifāẓat-i giyāhān  
The tomato leafminer (TLM), Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), is an important pest on tomato, potato and other Solanaceous with a great economic importance. Tomato borer can be regarded as a serious threat to tomato production in Iran. TLM larvae cause losses of up to 100% by attacking tomato leaves, flowers, stems, and especially fruits. TLM larvae act as leaf miners, and in high numbers, they can totally destroy the plant foliage; TLM infestation can destroy crop production
more » ... arly on by infesting both developing and ripe fruits. Management of the pest can be problematic, particularly when the infestation pressure is high. One of the main tools in its management is the use of conventional synthetic insecticides, however, this overreliance on the use of synthetic insecticides quickly leads to problems of insecticide resistance. The use of natural compounds such as plant essential oils is considered as alternatives to chemical pesticides due to their lower toxicity on the non-target and low persistence in the environment. In recent years essential oils of medicinal plants have received much attention as pest control chemical agents. The discovery of active compounds that are less persistent will be beneficial for both the environment and agricultural product consumers. Materials and Methods: The egg, 2nd larval instars, and adult of TLM were used to determine the fumigant toxicity of the C. cavi. The essential oil of aerial parts of C. cavi, was extracted by hydrodistillation using a modified Clevenger-type apparatus. Conditions of extraction were: 50g of air-dried sample, 1:12 plant material/water volume ratio and 4h distillation. The obtained oil was dried over anhydrous sodium sulfate and stored in the refrigerator at + 4°C until used. The fumigant toxicity of essential oil on larvae 2nd (inside leaf) and egg were tested in macro plastic container volume 1800 ml, The vials were contained leaves containing larvae mines with ten larvae (2nd instars) or 20 eggs, separately. Fore 2nd [...]
doi:10.22067/jpp.v31i1.51361 doaj:e44d110b58d148f485409a068a9ef020 fatcat:gqlr77balrhvrhihymb4d6ow7e