New damper for tower of long-span suspension bridge

Manabu Ito, Benito Pacheco, Yozo Fujino
A new damper, relying on the motion of shallow water in a rigid cylinder, is studied through free Vibration tests of a single-degree-of-freedom model of bridge tower with a natural period of 2 see. For a large damping effect at small amplitude of tower Vibration, it is necessary to tune the sloshing period of the liquid to the natural period of the tower; hence the name Tuned Liquid Damper. Breaking of surface waves, while highly dependent on Vibration amplitude, is the main mechanism of energy
more » ... dissipation. There seems to be an optimal TLD size for a given frequency and amplitude of Vibration.
doi:10.5169/seals-13105 fatcat:bawfggfqmbbahac7hzjzy3mqk4