Equilibrium Profile of Ice Caps

J. Weertman
1961 Journal of Glaciology  
Nye's theory of the equilibrium profile of two-dimensional ice caps is modified to include longitudinal stress and creep rate effects. A more generalized law for the sliding velocity of a glacier over its bed is introduced into the analysis in order to permit the inclusion of these additional complications. It is found that in the case of small ice caps (of the order of 30 km. in width), it is important to include the longitudinal stress. A somewhat "flatter" profile than that calculated by Nye
more » ... is obtained. For ice sheets of the dimensions of the Greenland or Antarctic Ice Sheets, the additional stress causes essentially no modification in Nye's theory. Nye's theory also has been extended to include an isostatic sinking under the weight of the ice of the bedrock below an ice cap.
doi:10.3189/s0022143000017366 fatcat:bjxzfcjt4rcujbappwc2trtsle