Effect of magnetic-pulsed treatment of filler materials on deposited metal structure

Yu.M. Kuskov, G.N. Gordan, L.T. Eremeeva, I.L. Bogajchuk, T.V. Kajda
2015 The Paton Welding Journal  
Effect of magnetic-pulsed treatment on structure of surfacing filler material, i.e. shot from high-chromium cast iron, was investigated. Effect of magnetic-pulsed treatment on refining of structure of shot metal, quantitative composition of phases and parameters of their crystal lattice was determined. New properties of the shot received as a result of magnetic-pulsed treatment are not inherited by deposited metal. 5 Ref., 2 Tables, 3 Figures. K e y w o r d s : electroslag surfacing,
more » ... rying mold, shot, deposited metal, magnetic-pulsed treatment
doi:10.15407/tpwj2015.06.27 fatcat:lbqawms5qbezxme4zsty3rg4hu