237: Long term results of allogeneic stem cell transplant for CML in pediatric patients

V.A.M. Funke, C. Pettengill, C.M. Bonfim, J. Ruiz, A.P. Azambuja, L. Medeiros, D.C. Setubal, M.A. Bitencourt, M.M. Oliveira, E.N. Coutinho, J. Zanis-neto, C.P. de Medeiros (+1 others)
2007 Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation  
sults There was no significant difference between the 3 groups in the occurrence of FN or documented infection. However, hyperglycemia was significantly associated with organ dysfunction and aGVHD. OS was better and TRM was less in group1 compared with group2 and group3. Conclusion Degrees of hyperglycemia during neutropenia was associated with an increased risk of organ dysfunction and aGVHD, which further led to higher TRM and lower OS. These results support the possibility that intensive
more » ... ose control reduces morbidity and mortality after HSCT.
doi:10.1016/j.bbmt.2006.12.242 fatcat:vbfm6wjq2fginezkrv4ho3cahi