High-energy femtosecond stretched-pulse fiber laser with a nonlinear optical loop mirror

F. Ö. Ilday, F. W. Wise, T. Sosnowski
2002 Optics Letters  
A stretched-pulse fiber laser with a nonlinear optical loop mirror (NOLM) that produces 100-fs pulses with 1-nJ energy is demonstrated. These results constitute a 30-fold increase in pulse energy over previously reported femtosecond fiber lasers with a NOLM. Compared with previous stretched-pulse lasers, this laser offers a cleaner spectrum and improved stability, with comparable pulse duration and energy. Implications for the construction of truly environmentally stable lasers are discussed.
doi:10.1364/ol.27.001531 pmid:18026496 fatcat:oc6m4kuxtjgqrp7m5hevjw6tkm