Oligochaeta from Manipur, the Laccadive Islands, Mysore and other parts of India

J Stephenson
1921 Records of the Indian Museum  
I received a small collection from Mr. R H. Whitehouse, l\:1arine Biologist to the l\ladras Fisheries Department, obtained from the Laccadive Islands during a recent visit by one of his assistants. (3) A tube of specimens, collected in May, 1920 in the forests of Shimoga and Kadur Districts, Mysore, which contained three interesting species, two of which are new, was forwarded to me, at the suggestion of Prof. J. P. Hill, by Mr. A. Subba Rau, a student of University College, London. To the
more » ... tor of the Zoological Survey, and to the other gentlemen named,. I am much indebted for the opportunity of examining these collections. I propose to offer a few general remarks on them before passing to the systematic description. Distribution of the species investigated. The species are distributed as follows :---l\tlanipur Branchiura sowerbyi, Bedd. lVl adras Pres. : -
doi:10.5962/bhl.part.1484 fatcat:yujz4urd6vffvmwjrwbxy6xpqq