Haiku economics: little teaching aids for big economic pluralists

Stephen T. Ziliak
2009 International Journal of Pluralism and Economics Education  
Haiku is a distinguished (if short) form of poetry with roots dating back to 17th century Japan. Poets understand that haiku is the most efficient form of economic speech. But technical efficiency is not the only or even the main goal of writing haiku. Haiku clear a trail for enlightenment and stimulate open discussion. A wide variety of poets, from Matsuo Bashō (1644-1694) to Richard Wright , have practiced writing haiku simply to improve their own powers of observation. To date, haiku and
more » ... omics have not been explored together and certainly not at the level of principles. This article introduces a new field of inquiry, 'haiku economics', and offers tips on how to the start the journey in a classroom setting.
doi:10.1504/ijpee.2009.028969 fatcat:mqvqlemwlffrhi2zzgpirahgri