Do Math with me!Enjoy mathematics within family activities

Yael Sarfaty, Dorit Patkin, Ilana Levenberg
2013 Proceedings of the 2013 International Academic Workshop on Social Science (IAW-SC-13)   unpublished
and also holding a national position in the Ministry of Education as a preschool mathematics coordinator nationwide **Associate Professor Dorit Patkin (Ph. D) is a senior lecturer in the mathematics department of the Kibbutzim College of Education, Israel. She was 8 years the head of this department. ***Dr. Ilana Levenberg (Ph.D.) is the Head of the mathematics department in Academy College of Education -Gordon, Israel
doi:10.2991/iaw-sc.2013.203 fatcat:njyq6s4wnveqdokpvrxhjy7v5i