How to induce multiple delays in coupled chaotic oscillators?

Sourav K. Bhowmick, Dibakar Ghosh, Prodyot K. Roy, Jürgen Kurths, Syamal K. Dana
2013 Chaos  
Lag synchronization is a basic phenomenon in mismatched coupled systems, delay coupled systems and time-delayed systems. It is characterized by a lag configuration that establishes a unique time shift between all the state variables of the coupled systems. In this report, an attempt is made how to induce multiple lag configurations in coupled systems when different pairs of state variables attain different time shift. A design of coupling is presented to realize this multiple lag
more » ... . Numerical illustration is given using examples of the R\"ossler system and the slow-fast Hindmarsh-Rose neuron model. The multiple lag scenario is physically realized in an electronic circuit of two Sprott systems.
doi:10.1063/1.4828515 pmid:24387554 fatcat:chmhn2nxu5ej5dhnr6tdjuqyee