From Fragility through Agility to Resilience: The Role of Sustainable Improvement in Increasing Organizational Maturity

Agnieszka Stachowiak, Irena Pawłyszyn
2021 Sustainability  
Nowadays, due to a large number of changes in the external environment, as well as increased competition, organizations must actively support business processes. Internal management processes must be constantly improved. To understand whether a company is developing in the right direction, it is necessary to conduct a maturity assessment. The directions of changes in enterprises should be well designed and based on analysis of the gap between the present and expected state definition. The
more » ... sis for the present state definition should be holistic, reliable and for the expected state-based strategy and goal recognition. Hence, the goal of the paper is to present the methodology of a company's self-assessment and definition of an individualized improvement strategy to strengthen the company's ability to thrive and prosper. The paper includes a presentation of the diagnosis methodology based on maturity models and the resilience concept and its validation based on experts' opinions and a case study. Companies need a diagnosis to know where they are, and guidance to move in the right direction, which makes the results of the research utilitarian. The methodology can be used for self-assessment, benchmarking and designing an improvement strategy.
doi:10.3390/su13094991 fatcat:ohqdjuhrn5cq5fl7kcmangb2ka