X-Ray Free Techniques Used for Detection of Dental Caries

Hikmet Solak
2018 Modern Research in Dentistry  
This method uses the same principle of transillumination as FOTI and DIFOTI. Instead of using visible light, this device uses a near-infrared (wave length: 780 to 1310nm) light to transilluminate the tooth. NIDIT is the digital system consists of a CCD sensor to capture the images, connected to a computer, special soft- Abstract Modern dentistry focused on prevention, and the idea of "extension for prevention" must be replace with the procedures for a minimal invasive cavity preperation
more » ... es. For this new approach for dentistry. Conventional or the traditional methods have failed to detect early incipient caries effectively. New diagnostic methods are still under research and seems to be very effective for early detection of caries in the near future. Advanced detection methods based on optical properties (fluorescence and transillumination) are seems to be the most potent methods for the detection of early carious lesions. Volume -3 Issue -2 Davies GM, Worthington HV, Clarkson JE, Thomas P, Davies RM (2001) The use of fibre-optic transillumination in general dental practice. Br Dent J 191 (3) : 145-147. 18. Peers A, Hill FJ, Mitropoulos CM, Holloway PJ (1993) Validity and reproducibility of clinical examination, fibre-optic transillumination and bite-wing radiology for the diagnosis of small approximal carious lesions: An in vitro study. Caries Res 27(4): 307-311. 19. Neuhaus KW, Ellwoodm R, Lussi A, Pitts NB (2009) Traditional lesion detection aids. Monogr Oral Sci 21: 42-51. 20. Young DA, Featherstone JD (2005) Digital imaging fiber-optic transillumination, F-speed radiographic film and depth of approximal lesions. J Am Dent Assoc 136(12): 1682-1687.
doi:10.31031/mrd.2018.03.000560 fatcat:6xdxv5h2sjc5ficrnjyq7rvyd4