Origin of Relaxor Behavior in Barium‐Titanate‐Based Lead‐Free Perovskites

Vignaswaran Veerapandiyan, Maxim N. Popov, Florian Mayer, Jürgen Spitaler, Sarunas Svirskas, Vidmantas Kalendra, Jonas Lins, Giovanna Canu, Maria Teresa Buscaglia, Marek Pasciak, Juras Banys, Pedro B. Groszewicz (+3 others)
2021 Advanced Electronic Materials  
It is well known that disordered relaxor ferroelectrics exhibit local polar correlations. The origin of localized fields that disrupt long range polar order for different substitution types, however, is unclear. Currently, it is known that substituents of the same valence as Ti4+ at the B-site of barium titanate lattice produce random disruption of Ti-O-Ti chains that induces relaxor behavior. On the other hand, investigating lattice disruption and relaxor behavior resulting from substituents
more » ... different valence at the B-site is more complex due to the simultaneous occurrence of charge imbalances and displacements of the substituent cation. The existence of an effective charge mediated mechanism for relaxor behavior appearing at low (< 10%) substituent contents in heterovalent modified barium titanate ceramics is presented in this work. These results will add credits to the current understanding of relaxor behavior in chemically modified ferroelectric materials and also acknowledge the critical role of defects (such as cation vacancies) in lattice disruption, paving the way for chemistry-based materials design in the field of dielectric and energy storage applications.
doi:10.1002/aelm.202100812 fatcat:7kelt6g5ebcp5owkaqrxhn7m6m