Dimensions of Urban Poverty in Mizoram

James L T Thanga, Department of Economics, Mizoram University, Joseph Lalremsanga
2021 Indian journal of economics and development  
Objectives: To study trend and nature of urban poverty, and the various dimensions in Mizoram. Methods/Statistical analysis: This paper primarily relies on the un-tabulated unit level data of NSS 61 st , 68 th and 72 nd rounds on Household Consumer Expenditure for the year 2004-05, 2011-12 and 2014-15 respectively. The study simple adopted the Official Poverty Line as recommended by Expert Groups constituted by Planning Commission from time to time. The trend of inequality dimension and poverty
more » ... deepening are analysed using Gini Coefficient and Poverty Gap. Findings: While poverty ratio does not show clear trend, it is found to be rather determined by the change in the measurement of poverty which implicate volatility of urban poverty to the methodological change and price level. It also observed deepening of poverty as indicated by widening poverty gap over time showing that certain sections of the poor population have become poorer in relative term over time. Wage/labour in construction sector has accounted for the largest component of the livelihood sources among the urban poor. Application/Improvements: There is a need to have robust poverty measure and policy directed to enhance the livelihood security of the urban poor in Mizoram.
doi:10.17485/ijed/v9.2021.34 fatcat:rwq6gesnvjc3vguknvbosmwuwi