S100A6 and S100A11 Are Specific Targets of the Calcium- and Zinc-binding S100B Proteinin Vivo

Jean Christophe Deloulme, Nicole Assard, Gaëlh Ouengue Mbele, Carole Mangin, Ryozo Kuwano, Jacques Baudier
2000 Journal of Biological Chemistry  
In solution, S100B protein is a noncovalent homodimer composed of two subunits associated in an antiparallel manner. Upon calcium binding, the conformation of S100B changes dramatically, leading to the exposure of hydrophobic residues at the surface of S100B. The residues in the C-terminal domain of S100B encompassing Phe 87 and Phe 88 have been implicated in interaction with target proteins. In this study, we used two-hybrid technology to identify specific S100B target proteins. Using S100B as
more » ... bait, we identify S100A6 and S100A11 as specific targets for S100B. S100A1, the closest homologue of S100B, is capable of interaction with S100B but does not interact with S100A6 or S100A11. S100B, S100A6, and S100A11 isoforms are co-regulated and co-localized in astrocytoma U373 cells. Furthermore, co-immunoprecipitation experiments demonstrated that Ca 2؉ /Zn 2؉ stabilizes S100B-S100A6 and S100B-S100A11 heterocomplexes. Deletion of the C-terminal domain or mutation of Phe 87 and Phe 88 residues has no effect on S100B homodimerization and heterodimerization with S100A1 but drastically decreases interaction between S100B and S100A6 or S100A11. Our data suggest that the interaction between S100B and S100A6 or S100A11 should not be viewed as a typical S100 heterodimerization but rather as a model of interaction between S100B and target proteins.
doi:10.1074/jbc.m003943200 pmid:10913138 fatcat:o2e4x33erfau3k7cbyub43oa2q