Three-layer Non-hydrostatic Staggered Scheme for Free Surface Flow [post]

Ade Candra Bayu, Sri Redjeki Pudjaprasetya, Ikha Magdalena
2018 unpublished
In this paper, a finite difference algorithm using a three-layer approximationfor the vertical flow region to solve the 2D Euler equations was considered. Inthis algorithm, the pressure was split into hydrostatic and hydrodynamic parts, and thepredictor-corrector procedure was applied. In the predictor step, the momentum hydrostaticmodel was formulated. In the corrector step, the hydrodynamic pressure wasaccommodated after solving the Laplace equation using the Successive Over Relaxation(SOR)
more » ... eration method. The resulting algorithm was first tested to simulate a standingwave over an intermediate constant depth. Dispersion relation of the scheme wasderived and it was shown to agree with the analytical dispersion relation for kd < piwith 94% accuracy. The second test case was a solitary wave simulation. Our computedsolitary wave propagated with constant velocity, undisturbed in shape, and confirmedthe analytical solitary wave. Finally, the scheme was tested to simulate the appearanceof the undular bore. The result shows a good agreement with the result from the finitevolume scheme for the Boussinesq-type model by Soares-Frazão and Guinot (2008).
doi:10.31219/ fatcat:ktreug7czjggvbyfbkmosdmjqa