Improvement of Lattice Boltzmann Method for Simulation of Thrombus Formation

Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Biomedical Fuzzy Systems Association  
In this paper, supposing that the flow is a kind of multiphase flow composed of liquid (fluid) and activated platelet, the surface tension and adhesion force to the wall were taken into account in the modified LBM (Lattice Boltzmann Method). From the results, it was found that there were thrombus formation near the reattachment point and behind the step for the backward facing step flows, and it corresponds to our previous observation results of thrombus formation. After these computations for
more » ... ll case of geometries on blood flow, effects of threshold value of parameters such as shear rate, adhesion force were discussed and evaluated. And it was also found that the predicted thrombus area on the wall agrees with that in our previous experiments of thrombus observation.
doi:10.24466/pacbfsa.29.0_194 fatcat:yoqcd6quurgn5ebhwvniin57fe