Single-cell Networks Reorganise to Facilitate Whole-brain Supercritical Dynamics During Epileptic Seizures [article]

Dominic RW Burrows, Giovanni Diana, Birgit Pimpel, Friederike Moeller, Mark P Richardson, Danielle S Bassett, Martin P Meyer, Richard E Rosch
2021 bioRxiv   pre-print
Excitation-inhibition (EI) balance may be required for the organisation of brain dynamics to a phase transition, criticality, which confers computational benefits. Brain pathology associated with EI imbalance may therefore occur due to a deviation from criticality. However, evidence linking critical dynamics with EI imbalance-induced pathology is lacking. Here, we studied the effect of EI imbalance-induced epileptic seizures on brain dynamics, using in vivo whole-brain 2-photon imaging of
more » ... s larval zebrafish at single-neuron resolution. We demonstrate the importance of EI balance for criticality, with EI imbalance causing a loss of whole-brain critical statistics. Using network models we show that a reorganisation of network topology drives this loss of criticality. Seizure dynamics match theoretical predictions for networks driven away from a phase transition into disorder, with the emergence of chaos and a loss of network-mediated separation, dynamic range and metastability. These results demonstrate that EI imbalance drives a pathological deviation from criticality.
doi:10.1101/2021.10.14.464473 fatcat:nwryjucbebg53emgwn52wdub6m