Employing a Synthetic Approach to Subject Classification across Galleries, Libraries, Archives, and Museums [chapter]

Rick Szostak
2016 Knowledge Organization for a Sustainable World: Challenges and Perspectives for Cultural, Scientific, and Technological Sharing in a Connected Society  
There has been much interest in recent years in developing a subject classification system that could be utilized across galleries, libraries, archives, and museums (GLAM). This paper will argue that the solution lies in a synthetic approach to classification grounded in basic concepts: those for which there is broadly shared understanding across communities. The paper analyses the classification systems utilized in archives, galleries, and museums, shows how a synthetic approach using basic
more » ... cepts would enhance user access while easing classificatory challenges. It then applies a synthetic approach to samples of archival documents, museum artifacts, and works of art. It is hoped that this exercise both establishes the feasibility of a synthetic approach and identifies strategies for pursuing this approach across GLAM.
doi:10.5771/9783956504389-359 fatcat:3dlro6qze5arzhbx4t7hudigqq