Analysis of LVDS and HVDS for its Effects at the Loading Points

Anshul Bhanu Tiwari, Prof. Priyank Shrivastava, Dr. Manju Gupta
Power is a crucial component for India's economic development. Advancement of productivity expansion will be contingent on a financially and financially successful electricity industry capable of attracting additional investment. Generating capacity inside the electric power industry are strongly reliant on the off-taker's, transportation, and distributing organizations' reputation. In generally, electromagnetic electricity is generated in power plants that are positioned far from where the
more » ... s live. It is then distributed to users via a vast transmission and distribution. The modern power generation system is based on Alternating Current (AC). The purpose of this article is to conduct a comparison analysis of the results at load locations in the voltage and low power distribution channels.
doi:10.24113/ijoscience.v8i4.481 fatcat:sicmzh72brfjpkuwzprtrskfmi